Wednesday, October 27, 2010

CPS defined


op·pres·sive  /əˈprɛsɪv/ Show Spelled
[uh-pres-iv] Show IPA


1. burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical: an oppressive king; oppressive laws.
2. causing discomfort by being excessive, intense, elaborate, etc.: oppressive heat.
3. distressing or grievous: oppressive sorrows.

Opposites of oppressive: cool, mild, temperate


Definition of COERCE

COERCE (coercive)
co·erce vt \kō-ˈərs\


1: to restrain or dominate by force
2: to compel to an act or choice
3: to achieve by force or threat

— co·erc·ible\-ˈər-sə-bəl\ adjective

ter·ror·ize (ter′ər īz′)

transitive verb terrorized -·ized′, terrorizing -·iz′·ing fill with terror; terrify coerce, make submit, etc. by filling with terror, as by the use or threat of violence

Related Forms:
•terrorization ter′·rori·za′·tion noun

Opposites of Terrorize: assuage, calm, help, please, encourage, hearten, inspirit



ty·ran·ni·cal (tə ran′i kəl, ti-, tī-)


1.of or suited to a tyrant; arbitrary; despotic
2.harsh, cruel, unjust, oppressive, etc.

Origin: L tyrannicus < Gr tyrannikos
Also tyrannic ty·ran′·nic

Related Forms:
•tyrannically ty·ran′·ni·cally adverb



ABUSE (abusive)

transitive verb abused abused′, abusing abus′·ing use wrongly; misuse: to abuse a privilege hurt by treating badly; mistreat inflict physical, sexual, or psychological harm upon use insulting, coarse, or bad language about or to; revile

Origin: ME abusen < OFr abuser < L abusus, pp. of abuti, misuse < ab-, away, from + uti, to use


1.wrong, bad, or excessive use
2.mistreatment, esp. by the infliction of physical, sexual, or psychological harm; injury
3.a bad, unjust, or corrupt custom or practice
4.insulting or coarse language
5.Obsolete deception

Abuse antonyms: aid, help, preservation, respect

FRAUD (fraudulent)

World English Dictionary
fraud (frɔːd)
— n

1. deliberate deception, trickery, or cheating intended to gain an advantage
2. an act or instance of such deception
3. something false or spurious: his explanation was a fraud
4. informal a person who acts in a false or deceitful way

[C14: from Old French fraude , from Latin fraus deception]

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009

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Word Origin; History

"criminal deception," mid-14c., from O.Fr. fraude , from L. fraudem (nom. fraus ) "deceit, injury." The noun meaning "impostor, humbug" is attested from 1850. Pious fraud "deception practiced for the sake of what is deemed a good purpose" is from 1560s.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
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Legal Dictionary

Main Entry: fraud

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin fraud - fraus

1 a : any act, expression, omission, or concealment calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage; specifically : a misrepresentation or concealment with reference to some fact material to a transaction that is made with knowledge of its falsity or in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity and with the intent to deceive another and that is reasonably relied on by the other who is injured thereby b : the affirmative defense of having acted in response to a fraud

2 : the crime or tort of committing fraud fraud > —see also MISREPRESENTATION

NOTE: A tort action based on fraud is also referred to as an action of deceit.

actual fraud

fraud committed with the actual intent to deceive and thereby injure another called also fraud in fact —compare CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD in this entry

dis·hon·est (ds-nst)


1. Disposed to lie, cheat, defraud, or deceive.
2. Resulting from or marked by a lack of honesty.

[Middle English dishoneste, dishonorable, from Old French deshoneste, probably from Medieval Latin *dishonestus : Latin dis-, dis- + Latin honestus, honorable; see honest.]
dis·honest·ly adv.

Synonyms: dishonest, lying, untruthful, deceitful, mendacious

These adjectives mean lacking honesty or truthfulness. Dishonest is the least specific: a dishonest business executive.

Lying conveys a blunt accusation of untruth: a lying witness giving inconsistent testimony.

Untruthful is a softer term and suggests lack of veracity and divergence from fact: made an untruthful statement.

Deceitful implies misleading by falsehood or by concealment of the truth: deceitful advertising.

Mendacious is more formal than lying, and suggests a chronic inclination toward untruth: a mendacious and troublesome employee.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


kid·nap   /ˈkɪdnæp/ Show Spelled
[kid-nap] Show IPA

–verb (used with object), -napped or -naped, -nap·ping or -nap·ing.

to steal, carry off, or abduct by force or fraud, esp. for use as a hostage or to extract ransom.


/ˈkruəl/ Show Spelled
[kroo-uhl] Show IPA

–adjective, -er, -est.

1. willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others.
2. enjoying the pain or distress of others: the cruel spectators of the gladiatorial contests.
3. causing or marked by great pain or distress: a cruel remark; a cruel affliction.
4. rigid; stern; strict; unrelentingly severe.

1175–1225; ME < AF, OF < L crūdēlis, equiv. to crūd ( us ) ( see crude) + -ēlis adj. suffix

—Related forms

cru·el·ly, adverb
cru·el·ness, noun
un·cru·el, adjective
un·cru·el·ly, adverb
un·cru·el·ness, noun

1. bloodthirsty, ferocious, merciless, relentless. Cruel, pitiless, ruthless, brutal, savage imply readiness to cause pain to others. Cruel implies willingness to cause pain, and indifference to suffering: a cruel stepfather. Pitiless adds the idea of refusal to show compassion: pitiless to captives. Ruthless implies cruelty and unscrupulousness, letting nothing stand in one's way: ruthless greed. Brutal implies cruelty that takes the form of physical violence: a brutal master. Savage suggests fierceness and brutality: savage battles.

Antonym: Kind or kindness

DESTROY (destructive)
de·stroy (di stro̵i′)

transitive verb tear down; demolish break up or spoil completely; ruin bring to total defeat; crush put an end to; do away with kill neutralize the effect of make useless

Origin: ME destroien < OFr destruire < L destruere < de-, down + struere, to build: see structure

Antonyms: Build, conserve, sustain